Links Chambers I associations Bar associations BS and BL Compilation of legislation Systematic collection of laws BS Systematic collection of laws BL Systematic collection of laws AG Systematic collection of laws SO Systematic collection of federal laws Decisions Federal Court decisions Associations 3-Länder-Anwälte Contact. Advokaturbüroalbrecht | riedo | anwander Hauptstrasse 544132 muttenz (Schweiz) T: +41 61 461 80 08F: +41 61 461 82 63 IMPRINT PRIVACY POLICY Advokaturbüro Albrecht & Riedo Contact. Advokaturbüroalbrecht | riedo | anwander Hauptstrasse 544132 muttenz (Switzerland) T: +41 61 461 80 08F: +41 61 461 82 63 IMPRINT PRIVACY POLICY Advokaturbüro Albrecht & Riedo