Advokaturbüro Albrecht & Riedo, Muttenz

MLaw Employee


T: +41 61 461 80 08
F: +41 61 461 82 63
M: info@albrecht-riedo.ch

Born: 1995
Languages: German, English

Education / Practical experience

  • Trainee at the law firm Albrecht & Riedo since January 2022
  • Traineeship at the “Child and adult protection authority” Basel (2021)
  • Law studies at the University of Basel (MLaw 2022)



Law office
albrecht & riedo

Hauptstrasse 54
4132 muttenz (Switzerland)

T: +41 61 461 80 08
F: +41 61 461 82 63

Law office Albrecht & Riedo


Law office
albrecht & riedo

Hauptstrasse 54
4132 muttenz (Switzerland)

T: +41 61 461 80 08
F: +41 61 461 82 63

Law office Albrecht & Riedo